Sep 6, 2010

what is Twitter?

Twitter describes itself as, “a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?”

If you’re new Twitter, then that description might seem a bit vague and ambiguous. So, to help you wrap your mind around the short-form messaging tool, start thinking about Twitter as a new form of online communication. Twitter is just communication in a new shape, but it’s also a platform for listening to the communication of others in new ways.

Twitter is a combination of these various forms of communication, but its primary difference is that posts, or tweets, are restricted to 140 characters or less. As a Twitter user you can post updates, follow and view updates from other users (this is akin to subscribing to a blog’s RSS feed), and send a public reply or private direct message to connect with another Twitterer.

Though users can answer the prompt, “What are you doing?”, tweets have evolved to more than everyday experiences, and take the shape of shared links to interesting content on the web, conversations around hot topics (using hashtags), photos, videos, music, and, most importantly, real-time accounts from people who are in the midst of a newsworthy event, crisis, or natural disaster.


Blog Bisnis Muklis said...

Thanks for visit in my Blog, I'm already follow you check it, maybe you will come on my other blog

Link Tea said...

Saya gak lagi main di twiter nih jeng hehe..
btw ok linknya segera saya pasang n saya follow juga.. thanks ya

Nailah said...

@Link Tea : Tengkiu tas Kunjungannya..Tenkiu tas kerjasma y.. tiada dusta di antara kita (kidding..) ;) salam dr blogger cirebon..

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