Jun 8, 2010

How to Change Feed Blogger to FeedBurner?

Feed is a subscription service provided for the latest articles from a site. Generally, the sites on the Internet already provide this service.

But the service provided is still inadequate. For that you need to change the feed site / blog you become better with some additional features.

Services that you can use is FeedBurner. With the FeedBurner subscriber you can display the amount of your site. How to use it is also quite easy.

First, log in with your google account, if you have not got the list immediately by clicking the button at the bottom right.
  1. After that type in your feed address on the form like below, then click the next button. For bloggers, feed address you like this.http://namablog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
  2. On the next screen, click the next button.
  3.  Then a box will appear containing the title and address of your new feed. You can change it as you wish.
  4.  After that press the next button.
  5. Now a new feed service you've finished. You can use the features provided by FeedBurner.
After that, if you want to divert all your feed traffic to FeedBurner (for blogspot users), follow these steps.
Log in to blogger.com.
  1. Click the Settings menu.
  2. Site Feed-click menu.
  3. In the box "Changing the Direction of Feed Post URL", input the address of the feed that you have created with FeedBurner.
  4. Save.
That is the way modify or transfer the feeds to FeedBurner. Please try, hopefully useful.


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