Sep 2, 2010

How to put meta tags in blogger?

How to put meta tags in blogger. Continuing the previous post about the 5 basic SEO tips for beginners, this time I'll give a little tutorial on how to put meta tags in blogger.As we have seen, the installation of a meta tag is one of the most basic thing in SEO. Because of this meta tag is very important for search engines (search engines) to find out the identity of your website.For that you need to put meta tags in order to optimize your site in Search Engines. Here's an example of meta tags.

<meta name="description" content="Guide to do business with a blog, a blog discussing tips and tricks, tutorials, blogs, SEO tips, and ways to make money with blogs" />
<meta name="keyword" content="tutorial blog, tips seo" />
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow, noodp, noydir" />

Copy the code above and place it under code <head>. Then replace the red code with your description and keywords.

Now your blog has a description and keywords that will be used for search results Search Engine (SERP). There are still some other meta tags, but most importantly is the third meta tag above.

After a site / blog you have keyword, you need to do next is to optimize your main keyword. About this keyword optimization you can see in the post 5 basic SEO tips.
Got here first, hopefully useful ...


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